The first virtual E-VOLVE Round Table was organized on November 18th, with the support and participation of all Project Members and 2 keynotes speakers:
Mr Pietro Perlo from I-FEVS, who talked about the Integration of Photovoltaic-Multifunctional Systems in Space, Road, Air and Water Vehicles
Mr Maurizio Maggiore from DG Research and Innovation, about EU legislation and R&D funding initiatives: The impact on ZEVs ecosystem
The 5 Working Group sessions were the main part of the event: 16 presentations about project results in EV domain from H2020 ACHILES, EVC1000, SYS2WHEEL, CEVOLVER, TELL, MULTI MOBY, SELFIE, FITGEN
The Working Groups were:
Energy and Thermal Management
Energy Efficiency and Performance
Control Architecture
All presentations and contact details can be found HERE.